Fight Procrastination: Potent 12 Steps Bookend Routine Plan

Aldvin Gomes
6 min readNov 29, 2023

I’m thrilled you’ve stopped by.

Today, we’re diving into a topic that might hit close to home: procrastination. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back.

We’re not just going to chat about why it’s a thorn in our side; I’m going to walk you through a fantastic, actionable 12-step plan using the Bookend Technique.

This isn’t just advice; it’s a roadmap to a more productive you.

So, grab a cup of your favorite brew, and let’s get this journey started. It’s time to turn those “I’ll do it later” moments into “Look what I’ve accomplished” milestones!

Why Fight Procrastination?

Think about it: how often have you said, “I’ll do it tomorrow,” and suddenly, tomorrow becomes next week, or even next month? We’ve all been there.

Fighting procrastination isn’t just about getting tasks done; it’s about reclaiming your time and potential. It’s about those small victories that lead to a fulfilling life.

When you break the chains of procrastination, you’re not just ticking off tasks; you’re building a lifestyle of productivity and satisfaction.

Let’s face it, the feeling of achieving something you’ve been putting off? Absolutely unbeatable.

So, let’s make that feeling your new normal, shall we?

What is the The Bookend Routine?

The “Bookend Routine” is a creative method to combat procrastination by framing a less desirable task with two enjoyable or rewarding activities, much like bookends on a shelf.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Select Two Enjoyable Activities: These are your “bookends.” Choose activities that you genuinely look forward to, such as having a cup of your favorite coffee, going for a short walk, reading a few pages of a book, listening to a favorite song, or watching a short video.
  2. Identify the Task: Choose the task you’ve been procrastinating on. This should be something manageable and ideally, something that can be completed in a single sitting or a set period.
  3. Start with the First Bookend: Begin with one of your enjoyable activities. This serves as a positive start to the routine, putting you in a good mood and mentally preparing you for the task.
  4. Complete the Task: After finishing the first enjoyable activity, immediately transition to the task you’ve been avoiding. The positive state from the enjoyable activity can carry over, making it easier to start the task.
  5. End with the Second Bookend: Once the task is completed, reward yourself with the second enjoyable activity. This serves as a motivator to get through the task and ends the routine on a high note.

The Bookend Routine is effective because it helps create a more pleasant overall experience around a task.

By starting and ending with something enjoyable, the task itself becomes less daunting, and you’re more likely to approach it with a positive attitude.

The potent 12-Step plan of using the Bookend Routine to fight Procrastination

Step 1: Recognize the Stall — First off, admit it. You’re procrastinating. I’ve been there, staring at my screen, thinking about everything except the task at hand. It’s okay. The first step is acknowledging that you’re stalling.

Step 2: Pick Your Task — Now, choose that one task you’ve been avoiding. Maybe it’s starting a report, organizing your closet, or even calling your dentist. Keep it specific and manageable. Remember, you can’t climb a mountain in one leap!g

Step 3: Choose Your First Bookend — This is the fun part. Pick something you love. It could be as simple as making a cup of tea or listening to a song. For instance, I always start with brewing my favorite Earl Grey. It’s a small ritual, but it sets a positive tone.

Step 4: Set the Scene — Create a conducive environment for your task. Clear your desk, get your tools ready, or whatever it is that preps you up. When I write, my desk has to be clutter-free. It’s like telling my brain, “Hey, it’s go-time.”

Step 5: Indulge in the First Bookend — Enjoy your first bookend activity. No rush. Let it be a mindful, enjoyable process. Feel the warmth of the cup, the aroma of the coffee, or the melody of the music. This moment is yours.

Step 6: Transition Smoothly — Once your first bookend activity is done, smoothly transition to your task. Avoid any distractions in between. If you’re like me, don’t even glance at your phone; it’s a slippery slope!

Step 7: Break It Down — If your task seems overwhelming, break it down. Set mini-goals. For example, if you’re writing a report, start with outlining the first section. Small steps make a big difference.

Step 8: Timer Trick — Set a timer. It’s not about rushing; it’s about staying focused for a short period. I usually set mine for 25 minutes — just enough to make progress without feeling overwhelmed.

Step 9: Dive Into the Task — Now, get to work. Dive into your task with the momentum from your first bookend. Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about progress. Keep your mini-goal in mind and push through.

Step 10: Wrap It Up — When your timer rings, or you reach a natural stopping point, wrap up. Make a quick note of where to start next time if needed. Give yourself a mental pat on the back; you did well!

Step 11: Choose Your Second Bookend — Now for the second reward. Choose another enjoyable activity, something to look forward to. Maybe it’s a walk, a chapter of your book, or a quick chat with a friend. After I finish a writing session, my go-to is a short stroll outside. It’s refreshing and gives me a sense of completion.

Step 12: Enjoy and Reflect — Finally, indulge in your second bookend. Enjoy it fully. Reflect on the task you completed. You’ve earned this. And remember, each time you use this routine, you’re building a stronger habit to beat procrastination.

Why is the Bookend Routine Technique so Effective?

You know how sometimes it feels like a task is just a big, grey cloud hanging over you?

Well, that’s where the Bookend Routine shines. It’s like wrapping that cloud in sunshine.

By starting and ending with something you genuinely enjoy, you’re creating a cozy sandwich with your task in the middle.

It tricks your brain into feeling good about the task because it’s bundled with happy vibes.

Plus, it’s like giving yourself a high-five before and after — a double dose of motivation! So, you tackle things with a lighter heart, turning ‘have to do’ into ‘want to do.’

It’s pretty neat, right?

What’s Next?

Now that you’re armed with this plan, why stop here?

Join “The Positive Habit Newsletter,” your go-to source for breaking bad habits and embracing a life of productivity and happiness.

Every week, we dive into actionable tips and advice to help you stay on track. Think of it as your personal coach, all rolled into one.

Now, Join for free and start transforming your habits into positive, life-changing routines. Remember, the journey to a better you is just one click away. Let’s make those dreams a reality, together!

FAQ’s (Questions)

  1. Is the Bookend Technique suitable for everyone? Absolutely! It’s flexible enough to fit any lifestyle. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or anything in between, you can tailor it to suit your needs.
  2. How long does it take to see results from this plan? It varies, but most people feel a shift in as little as a week. Consistency is key — the more you practice, the quicker you’ll see changes.
  3. What if I miss a day or slip up? No stress! It happens to the best of us. The important thing is to not beat yourself up. Acknowledge it, learn from it, and jump back in.
  4. Can this plan be integrated with digital tools and apps? Definitely! There are plenty of apps that can help with goal-setting, time-blocking, and tracking your progress.
  5. How do I handle unexpected tasks or emergencies? Adapt and adjust. The plan is not set in stone. If something urgent comes up, deal with it, then gently steer yourself back on track.
  6. Are there any books you recommend on this topic? Sure! “Atomic Habits” by James Clear and “The Now Habit” by Neil Fiore are great reads for diving deeper into habit formation and breaking procrastination.


Embarking on this journey to fight procrastination is like setting out on an exciting adventure. You’ll discover so much about yourself and what you’re capable of.

Remember, the key is consistency and a dash of self-compassion.

The Bookend Technique isn’t just a plan; it’s a way of reshaping how you approach your daily life, transforming “later” into “now.”

As we wrap up, I’m here cheering you on, and remember, “The Positive Habit Newsletter” is just a click away breaking bad practices.

You’ve got this — here’s to turning those plans into action! 🌟



Aldvin Gomes

Blogger • Solopreneur • Advocate of Positive Habits 💪🏼✨ • I Write 1X Week On Mastering Positive Habits. • Founder @